android - onListItemClick method is not called -

I am working on a code snippet where onListItemClick calls to an item Not being list view. I am using ListFragment and I have implemented the following code

  Public category InboxFragment ListFragment {protected list < ParseObject & gt; MMessages; List view list; @ Override Public View Crate View (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {See Routview = Inflator.In Flat (R. Fragment_Inbox, Container, Falls); Return root view; } @ Override Public Wide On Rhesus () {Super. Rebirth (); . GetActivity () setProgressBarIndeterminate (true); ParseQuery & LT; ParseObject & gt; Query = new parquetter & lt; Parse object & gt; (Pars Consultants. CLASS_MESSAGES); Query.whereEqualTo (ParseConstants.KEY_RECIPIENTS_IDS, ParseUser.getCurrentUser (). GetObjectId ()); Query.addAscendingOrder (ParseConstants.KEY_CREATED_AT); Query.findInBackground (New FindCallback & lt; ParseObject & gt; () {@Override Public has been canceled (list & lt; parse object & gt; message, parsexation e) {if (e == empty) {mMessages = messages ; String [] user name = new string [mMessages for size ()]; int i = 0; (parse object message: mmssage) {user name [i] = message.getString (ParseConstants.KEY_SENDER_NAME); i ++; } MessageAdapter Adapter = New Message Adapter (getListView). GetContext (), mMessages); Set list adapter (adapter);}}}); } @ Override Public Wide OnListEtitleClick (ListView L, View V, Int Position, Long ID) {Super. Analystimeclic (L, V, Position, ID); ParseObject message = mMessages.get (status); String message type = message .get string (parcoconstents.cEY_FILE_TYPE); Parsefile file = message.getter file (parcoconstents.cEY_FILE); URI fileUURI = (file.jet url); If (message.equals (ParseConstants.TYPE_IMAGE)) // See the image intent = new intent (getActivity (), ViewImageActivity.class); Intent.setData (fileUri); StartActivity; } Other {// visual video}}   


and the inbox piece xml file is as follows


  @ListItemClick (ListView L, We V, Int Position, Long ID) {Super. AnalystItemClique (L, V, Status, ID); System.out.println (l.getItemAtPosition (status))}    


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