Gradle: Failed to apply plugin [id 'groovy'] -

When implementing my own custom plugin that implements the groovy (plugin), this plugin Failed to apply [id 'groovy'] which is caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: model 'task' is finalized removed from org. Gradle.model.internal.registry.DefaultModelRegistry.assertNotFinalized

Is it impossible to apply groovy to another plugin? Or am I missing here?

This project is where my plugin applies:

  buildscript {repositories {mavenCentral () maven {url file ('../ .. / maven-deploy') }}} Dependencies {// will be loaded with Ménen-deployment, no mavenCentral () Classpath 'se.toxbee.robospock: gradle-plugin-robospock: 0.1.0'}} Apply the plugin: 'robospock'   

and the code where groovy is applied:

  def applyGroovy (roboSpockConfiguration cfg) {def p = cfg.project (! P. Plugins HAsplugin ('Groove' )) {P. Application plugin: 'groovy'}}   


GIT repo: (here is not accurate, it is not read ...)

The application of gravis is concluding a later closing, is it perhaps relevant?

If I add the p.apply plugin: before the 'eclipse' failed line, it does not fail due to eclipse, so applications are not normally restricted to the plugin.

It is estimated to be after - when the groovy plugin The application exits with that shutdown, but still in the plug-in, it works fine.

However, I am not sure why this is so, that's all. Anyone who knows, should feel free to edit my answer or post a comment.


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