Objective C to Swift header file with multiple targets -
I have successfully called my swift classes with objective switch (for target 'MyApp') through import switching: I have created a new goal called "MyAppLite"
When I compile the new target, I get errors because "MyApp-Swift.h" code is required, but the compiler is " MyAppLite-Swift.h "is making
Therefore, I need to create a conditional swift / objection heading How can this be done, or is there any better way? Also set this #import I am compiling it for that goal
product module name setting to
settings It is possible to be the same in your module (I have set it to
$ (PROJECT_NAME)), so that
& lt; Project & gt; -Swift.h file that is generated by the same name in all J. module terminates the need to add / check the preprocessor macros
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