php - Magento - Retrieve specific XML Debug File -

I have a problem with the debug option inside Magenta.
First of all, I tried to ignore all the debug string

  with error_reporting (E_ALL & amp; ~ E_DEBUG);   

inside index.php but without success, I've installed firegento to try a deep glance (and still try to hide lines).
I am getting such lines in the system.log file now:

  User Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv: 32.0) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 32.0 File: Shop / Lib / Variant / Simplexil / Configuration: PHP: 511 & lt; Config / & gt;   

So I tried to view that file and this line is 511:

  if (! $ Xml) {Dana :: log ($ string) ); }   

This public function is part of the loadstring .
I am surprised to show that the file which debugs the line

Error on XML file, localized in an "Etc." directory of the module.

You can test formatting with an XML validation online tool. Try to remember that what is the last installed module or parse your changes and parsed your XML file.

Generally, this is an error of the wrong tag.

I hope this is useful


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