reportbuilder3.0 - How do I add a Parameter for Multiple Customer Numbers? -
I have a cube with the account number stored in the form of text numbers. I need to create a report with a parameter You can enter a list of user account numbers.
I have created my query and I have "account number" operator "is equal" and I checked the parameter check box.
If I just run the report, then I can choose multiple account numbers, but we have more than 40,000 accounts, so it can take some time to find it and tick all those on which I I want to report. I want to be able to type or paste a list of accounts.
If I go into parameter properties and set the value available for "none", then I can enter my list of accounts, but when I try I found this error report See.
The restrictions imposed by the short flag in the STRTOSET function were violated. I'm feeling that does anyone have any ideas? Do not have any ideas p> thanks David In the @CustomerAccountNumber parameter, make sure that its type is text and allow multiple values. Set the value available for any and set the default value for a default value. Go to the properties of your datasets and go to the parameter Set the parameter value in the CustomerAccountNumber parameter to: Now run your report and you will be able to type in a list of account numbers and get the results of those accounts Should be. < / P> I got my answer.
= Split (รข "[customer]. [Account number ]. Amp; ["+ Change (include (parameter! Customer account no. Value,"], a "???") ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ [Customer]. [Account number]].
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