mysql - How to SELECT value from one table based on same value's behavior in another table? -
Please help me with this ... If I have these tables and columns: I want to write a For example, ID So if, say, How does such a query look and how can it be done in a longer query? Thank you! You can connect together. TABLE1 Column with
ID and
TABLE2 with column
FOO and
bar , both of which have different IDs in which All also appear in the
ID column
SELECT query to get all the IDs from
ID to
TABLE1 but for this condition Under:
101 will be selected from
id if the number of rows (
X ) where ID appears under
FOO column
TABLE2 , then divides by number of rows (
y ) End of column
bar Gt appears, less the result of a certain value.
X / Y
101 query.
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