.net - What RPC technology can I use to call a compiled assembly (rather than my own class) in C#? -

I want to use a .NET compiled assembly through RPC (calling code is Python, but it is actually relevant is not).

The assembly represents an API for an ongoing third party application (for example Autodesk, AutoCAD). It consists of several namespaces in which there are static classes in which there are API objects, I need to reach all types of materials in that object hierarchy: properties, objects, methods and, perhaps the most complex, transactions that use the IDIsposable interface (Which basically means that state, i.e. object storage, should be maintained between RPC calls).

Instead of developing my own solution (which uses ziromic messaging and reflection-based call dispatch), I wonder if RPC technology will meet my needs.

I saw basic examples of popular libraries that implement JSON-RPC and SOAP, I see that these libraries demand that you deprive your callable class from their base class and for example For the class, put the attributes in the manifesto, for example

For the RPC to work, obviously, in the case of an external pre-compiled assembly Can not.

I would like to know that JasonRPC or SOAP are actually the wrong choices for the work that I describe or in fact RPC is a way of working with an external assembly that I do not know.

Any guidance, Itemprop = "text">

If you have JSON / SOAP If you are talking about, I think you are using HTTP, which is stateless = & gt; You need to supply some type of "state variable". This can be done by example, a cookie or like in my exam:

To use your external API, a "Cover Service "(Using WCF or" old-school web-services "):

  Public Class MyApiAccess: IMyApiService {Private Stable Dictionary & lt; Int, MyAPI & gt; ApiInstances = New Dictionary & lt; Int, MyAPI & gt; (); Public Ink Start Session () {var api = new MyAPI (); Int id = api.Id; // Some other way to get a unique ID API difference Add (ID, API); Return id; } Public Zero Termination Session (int sessionId) {/ "Session ID" is valid var api = apiInstances [sessionId]; Api.Dispose (); ApiInstances.Remove (API); } Public MyType Mimethip (Maripatamter Ultimate) {/ "Session ID" is valid var api = apiInstances [sessionId]; Return APIs Mammoth (the ultimate); }}   

This should give you a starting point how such a service can be implemented.


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