bluetooth - Why isnt my BlueGiga BLE113 being discovered? -
I have a BLE113 chip wired:
I used to go through the stars To measure the voltage to ensure that the power is going to BLE 113 board, and there is a continuous input of 3.3V (which is necessary).
I found the chip using the BGDO project
dim addr (6) #boot event listener event system_boot (major, minor, patch, construct, ll_version, protocol_version: #get local BT address call system_address_get () (addr (0: 6)) service serial number string call attributes_write # write bt address (xgatt_dis_2a25) on the website of Bluegiga, and bgdemo script, hw) , 0,6, addr (0: 5)) #set mode call for advertising gap_set_mode (gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirected_connectable) #set bondable mode call sm_set_bondable_mode (1) end # Listeners event connection_disconnected (handle, result) #connection hacked, continue to ad call gap_set_mode (gap_general_discoverable, gap_undirect ed_connectable) end
bgbuild does not cause any errors and I Searchable and connectable, but none of my Bluetooth devices is looking for a chip, why?
Did you & lt; Device type = "ble113" /> Added project.xml (or project.bgproj ) to ? See E article for more information. But in general, to convert a BLE112 project (such as bgdemo) to a BLE113 project:
- For the project,
& lt; Device type = "ble113" /> Add XML (or project.bgproj) - Disable / hardware.xml and BGScript source
- Use P1_6 and P1_7 instead of hardware I2C pins if I2C used
I do not think the last two bullets are applicable, so make sure that you have the right device type in your project file (most likely named designated project.bgproj ). Example:
& lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Project & gt; & Lt; gatt in = "gatt.xml" /> & Lt; Hardware = "hardware.xml" /> & Lt; script = "bgdemo.bgs" /> & Lt; Image out = "out.hex" /> & Lt; Device type = "ble113" /> & Lt; boot fw = "bootuart" /> & Lt; / Project & gt;
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