c++ Singleton by reference use -
I have read some wiki in stack overflow, and I have written the following header file for my randomizer class: I have also applied some methods inside the classroom, such as the next and the like. I am unsure about how to give examples of this singleton class, that is how to write a test drive in the main ()? I tried: The compiler says some errors: Thanks for the help. You are saying that you want a singleton but: This creates a new example of Here you are trying to copy a single from a singleton, which you have explicitly declared private. Perhaps you want to use it: Probably a
int main () {Randomizer r; R = Radiimizer :: Example (); }
in the Randomizer.cpp file included: 11: 0: Randomizer.h: in the function ??? ? Int main (int, char **) a ????: Randomizer.h: 22: 9: error: a randomize :: Randomizer () a ???? Private is random (zero) {}; ^ Randomizer.cpp: 56: 16: Error: Randomomarer in this context; ^ Randomizer.cpp file included in: 11: 0: Randomizer.h: 25: 14: Error: An empty zero random :: operator = (Const Randimizer & amp;) ??? Private Zero operator is = (Radiimizer brace & amp;); ^ Randomizer.cpp: 57: 7: Error: R = RandOzer :: Example () in this context; ^
Randomizer R;
Randomizer by attempting to call the default blank constructor. So you are not using it as a singleton, in addition you have declared the constructor private.
r = randomizer :: instance ();
Randisoner & amp; R = Radiimizer :: Example ()
const randomm and amp; For example () method that is a temporary reference if the randomizer does not have a visible position in itself.
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