javascript - How to get three.js sprite in Verold script -
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I'm playing with all three. JS based World Editor has some great features, but I have participated in a problem with scripting setup.
I am trying to implement one of three espressions () and attach it as a component of an object.
Here I have tried:
Component.prototype.objectCreated = function () {// this.getThreeData () is available this.spriteimage.load ({load : _.bind (function () {this.createImageSprite ();}, this)}); }; Component.protipip.createimagestrateg = function () {// load spreadmage var map = this.spriteimage.threeData; Var spritematerial = new three.SpriteMaterial ({map: map, color: "RGB (255,0,0)", fog: true, use screen corridors: incorrect}); Var mySprite = new three. Light (phantom content); mySprite.scale.set (1,1,1); MySprite.location.x = 0.5; MySprite.location.y = 0.5; MySprite.location.y = 0.5; scene.add (mySprite); }; The script has a feature called spriteimage , which is a fixed asset - & gt; 2D Texture When this script is added as a component of the scene, the project runs, but you can not see a sprite at all.
I have tried to replicate it with success as a regular three. Code in JS project
Can anyone solve this?
There are some small issues with your code. Otherwise, it works fine first, mySprite.location should be mySprite.position . Maybe three A previous version of JS used 'space'? The second issue is not defined as the context of 'visual'. In a script, you can ask 'this.getThreeScene ()' to return to the context of the three assassins that it is part of the object which is attached to this script.
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