jquery - javascript animation work in html page but same script wont work in .net page -

I have this javascript for a conversion animation using
  $ ('$'). .scrollimation '). Waypoint (function () {$ (this) .addClass ('in');}, {offset: '80% '}); $ ('Project-container escalation'). (Function () {var i = 1, delay = [], $ (this) .find ('project-thumbs'). Each (function (i) {I ++; var elem = $ (this); Delay [I] = setTimeout (function () {elem.addClass ('in');}, 200 * i);})}, {offset: '70% '}); $ ('. Iphones-wrapper.scrollimation'). (Work () {$ (this) .find ('.phone-landscape-frame') AddClass ('in');}, {offset: '60% '});   

And this CSS is associated with it

  .scrollimation.fade-up {opacity: 0; Webkit-Conversion: Translation Y (100px); -MOZ-transform: Translation Y (100px); -MMS-transform: Translation Y (100px); Consequently, translateY (100px); -WebKit-Infection: -WebKit-transform.44s ease-out, ambiguity .4s ease-in; Transition: transforming .4s smooth-out, ambiguity .4s ease-in-out; } .scrollimation.fade-up.in {Opacity: 1; Webkit-transform: Translation Y (0 pixels); -MOZ-TRANSFORM: Translation Y (0 pixels); -MMS-transform: Translation Y (0 pixels); Consequently, translateY (0px); }   

Works on an HTML page, when I get it in a .net page, will not I give a clue?

Thank you

The modernization was causing a problem. Just take the js directory / js / libs / modernizr.min.js to solve a problem with all the other files.


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