ssas - Efficiently store and retrieve price points over time ranges -

We are loading data from a source that has date ranges. Rates rarely vary.

  Productive, Supplier, Category ID, Rate, Valid from, Valid 1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-01, 2014-06-30   

This rate is 6 Valid for the month. Reporting requirement is to show the average rates for flexible deadlines on products, suppliers, categories ...

So I joined the rates with time dimension, resulting in such a fact table :

  Manufacturer, Supplier, Category, Category, Date, Date1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-01 1, 2, 3, 4.0, 2014-01-02. . (This is a rate for approximately 180 rows)   

Therefore one rate per day will be. Since the rates are sometimes legal for a year or two, I am preparing a big fact sheet about 200 million lines and growing.

The cube loads in two minutes and the data is about 1.5 GB (while the datament lasts up to about 20 GB). The performance of the cube query looks fine

I can, of course, change the granulity, for example, there are total but daily daily rates for one month, they often do not change, but not necessarily the first day of a month.

I just wanted to take opinions on the spread of the line of production of the ETL process. Is it a smell, what are the best ways to be done for us?

I'm not sure where the tip would be, but if the rates do not change often, So instead of just putting my strength in the table, I want to ask about relational tables.

I mean, if I wanted to get rates for several dates for a certain product / supplier / category, and I knew that the table was in 1000-10000, and not 100,000 to -1,000,000, I just run a CPU query for the results, instead of getting it from the cube.

And through the table, I mean that the table does not have every rate with the start / end dates, which is every line you have for every rate.

If the relational table is indexed for my query, then it should be returned very quickly.

Where rates will be related to other facts, for example sales, I will create one dimension instead of one fact. "When was this sale done?"


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