iphone - Send navigation bar to back and my sidemenu to front - iOS swift -
I'm currently using it as a side menu for my app and it's working great though Whenever I embed a tab object in the navigation controller, and I tap the burger icon, the side menu is not displayed properly: the navigation bar is in front of the side menu, so the side menu is cut.
I have tried to use this code, but it throws an issue
self.view.sendSubviewToBack (self.navigationController? .navigationbar) How to always send my innovation bar behind my other sub-scenes (like my side menu)? Or is there another way to fix this? Thank you very much for your help.
Obviously, the navigation bar will always be visible by default; ? setNavBarTranslucent () {self.navigationController .navigationBar.alpha = 0.1 self.navigationController .navigationBar.setBackgroundImage (UIImage (), forBarMetrics: I sorted the navigation bar in translucent ?? UIBarMetrics .Default) self.navigationController .navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage () self.navigationController .navigationBar.translucent = true self.navigationController .navigationBar.userInteractionEnabled = false}
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