javascript - "JQuery Bottom Content Panel" Load as "hidden" instead of "show" -

I am currently trying to get it:

hidden and instead opened To be prepared, the main.js code is already opened below:

  (function ($) {jQuery (document) .ready (function () {Panel.init (); $ (Document) .on ('click', '.tab-controller', function () {panel.togglePanel ();});}); var panel = {invisible: false, show message: blank, hidden message: Free, Animation Duration: 350, Animation Ezing: 'Linear', Init: function () {}, showpanel: function ($ {'Panel-wrapper') ({Bottom: 0}, Panel Animation, Panel Animating ESSING, Function () {panel.isVisible = true; Panel.UpdateTab Message ();});} , hidePanel: function () {$ ('panel-cover'). ({bottom: - (Panel.getAnimationOffset ()), panel.Animationization period, panel.editization, function () {panel.isVisible = false; Panel.updateTabMessage ();})}}, togglepanel: function () {((this .isvial)? This is hyphen: this.showPanel) ();}, updateTabMessage: function () {if (this.isVisible) {$ ('tab-controller. close '). Show (); $ ('. Tab-controller .show') Hide ();} else {$ ('Close Tab-Controller.'). Hiding (); $ ('Show Tab-Controller'). Show (); }}, GetAnimationOffset: function () {return $ ('.panel-content'). Height (); }}}) (JQuery);   

I'm staring at this for hours and I've gone branded, I think I'm missing something fundamental. What to do with CSS? Thanks

I created the following modifications so that the isisible function determines it Whether or not the panel is opened or closed:

  1. Hide thePanel () function so that we can give it a flag the flag determines That should animate the panel or "snap" should be closed. This gives us the option to stop immediately without any animation menu.

      hidePanel: function (snap) {$ ('.panel-wrapper'). Animate ({Bottom: - (Panel.getAnimationOffset ()), (Snap? 0: Panels. Animation Duration), Panel.AnimationIsing, Function () {panel.iscil = False; Panel.UpdateTab Message ();}); }    
  2. init () function is invisible invisible modify the flag and modify "snap" The panel closes if it is appropriate:

      init: function () {if (! This.isVisible) {this.hidePanel (true);  hidePanel ()   
  3. TogglePanel () function modified to pass the "snap" flag Code> False (Animation):

      Toggle panel: function () ((this .ususable)? Hip panel (false): show it. Panels) ();    
  4. unlimited value to false :

      invisible Is: incorrect, with    
  5. opening the panel, just set isvisible to true >:

    / div>


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