tags - Joomla.32 SEF url and com_tags -

I am using Joomla v3.2 in the com_tags component to include / modify .php file to help me In the URL query, CATID and MITITAD (query modules are created by mod_easycloud, which has been modified too).

  $ link = 'index.php? Option = com_tags & amp; View = tag & amp; id = '. $ Id '& amp; Itemid = 'JRequest :: getInt ('Itemid'); $ Link = '& Amp; CatId = '. JRequest :: getInt ('catId');   

I have also modified the router.ff file to create and parse the correct SEF URL.

But when I'm switching to the SEF URL, the Item ID parameter does not work properly with the content cated , but The current menu item is not active.

The above functionality is working when I switch back to non-sef url.

Try using JRoute :: _ ($ link) as a normal URL Prepares the way to be and the form of the SEF URL affix.


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