First char of string to upper case: what is more costly to the server? C# -

I have two ways to get the first letter of the string in the upper case, but I would like to know who uses more Server resource? (MVC 5, C #)

  string test1 = test.ToUpper () [0] + test.Substring (1);   


  string test1 = cultureInfo. Contentculture. TextInfo.ToTitleCase (test.ToLower ());    

Add it to your ExtensionMethods.cs

  Public Static Class Extension Cases {public static string uppercase suffix letter (string value) • The first letter uppercase in the string is called on this extension. // if (value.Length & gt; 0) {char [] array = value.ToCharArray (); Array [0] = char.ToUpper (array [0]); Return new string (array); } return value; }} According to   

: This is faster than your first method because it only assigns a new string in the return statement. The first method allocates two strokes: substrings (1), and then a new string with the string. Connaught.


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