ios7 - Unbalanced calls in iOS 8 -

When I present a Model View Controller on a Navigation Controller in iOS 8, I get the following warning . It works fine on iOS 7.

  Unbalanced call to start / end transition to be present for UINavigationController   

This is what I am doing.

  - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {... [self. Windows and knowledgeable]; ... [self. Navigation controller present ViewController: self Model View Controller Animated: Not Complete: Zero]; }   

Before I present the model view in IOS 8, I can see the Navigation Controller for a split second. In iOS 7, I look at the Immediate Model View Controller without warning.

How do I get the same behavior in iOS 8?

To get rid of the alert, you need to move the code to your first view controller view DIDAppear To see it better, you can consider doing some tricks I had the same problem, and I solved it by displaying my full screen image of the Model View Controller on my first view controller, and presented the Model View Controller After leaving Pictures hidden, eg. Using the performSelector: withObject: afterDelay


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