ios - UISplitViewController created programmatically doesn't have swipe gesture to show/hide master -
I am struggling in a very strange case: I have created a But the swipe gesture to show / show master view controller (like in a mail app) does not work in iOS7 but works in iOS8. If I create a new project from the master / extension template then the gesture works but I need to create the I was experiencing the same problem and found this amazing tutorial for how it works: / P> With this you can also use Size Class and use only 1 storyboard to support with the iPhone and can take advantage of the iPhone 6+ Landscape Split View functionality. Note: If you want to use size classes and still want to support iOS 7, then use the storyboard. (If you use them by code, there is no backward compatibility) UISplitViewController
self.splitViewController = [[UISplitViewController alloc] init]; Self.splitViewControllerPresentWithGesture = Yes; UIViewController * Master = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; Master.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; UINavigationController * navMaster = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: Master]; UIViewController * Extension = [[UIViewController alloc] init]; Detail.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; UINavigationController * navDetail = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: Description]; Self.splitViewController.viewControllers = @ [navMaster, navDetail]; Self.window.rootViewController = self.splitViewController; [Self. Windows and knowledgeable];
UISplitViewController to frame the program because I need to add after a login page which is normal The view controller is because I do not want to use the storyboard because this app will be very big.
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