android - Dagger + ButterKnife = Could not initialize class dagger.internal.codegen.ModuleAdapterProcessor -

I have a project where I am using buttercup for visual injection, and I've just added the dagger But I'm getting the following error:

Description Resource Path Location Type Internal Compiler Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFound Error: Class dagger.internal.codegen could not initialize. Sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (Basic method) Jawa problem

I am using Eclipse and I have the following in my comment config: < / P> P> Enter image details here

Notice: I provide an @ module @ its ok ..., then it has been removed and I still get the same compilation error

I have to set up animation processing Of this comment Dissolved:

I 'I'm not sure whether it relates to code-related or dependencies and versions, I just need to point out someone behind me For the prospect of

For those searching for solutions, I just found out that JavaWriter 2.1 1. Solution to Problem


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