java - Issue with DSCP marking using setTrafficClass and WireShark -

I'm trying to mark DSCP values ​​using setTrafficClass. My servers and clients are installed on two separate machines and I am able to print the cost of DSCP but I can not see it in WireShark. I have gone online through some posts but nothing helped, I am using Windows 7 Professional Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I am testing to see how this can be done. Here is the client code:

Try { socket socket = new socket (edit, 2345); Socket.setTrafficClass (10); PrintWriter = New PrintWriter (socket.getOutputStream (), true); Out.println ("Current DSCP Price:" + socket.getTrafficClass ()); Out.close (); Socket.close (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}


  try {serverSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket (1234); Socket ClientSocket = serverSocket.accept (); BufferedReader = New in BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (clientSocket.getInputStream ())); String fromClient = in.readLine (); Println (fromClient); in.close (); ClientSocket.close (); ServerSocket.close (); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}   

In the console on server side: Current DSCP value: 10

My server code and client are on different machines. I

I see I:

Differential Services Areas: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00: NT-ECT (not ECN-worthy transport))

I expect to see a change in wirehark And I only see the default value of zero.

The last time I worked with DSCP values ​​in Java, due to a bug in JVM, The system property had to be set to true . OVERTHERWARE DSCP PRICES Javascript Despite working in the socket API, the built-in socket will not be set on.

In addition to this, you may have to call the setTrafficClass before adding the socket, it can not work after a connection on some platforms.

java -djava Net.preferIPv4Stack = true ...


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