c# - Trying to override CreateAsync function on ClaimsIdentityFactory -
A few days ago, I found a great tutorial about MVC, Identity and Owen by Ben Foster. Tutorial is
I have completed the tutorial, and I have had a problem overriding the 'CreateAsync' function. Visual Studio does not allow this.
This code is:
public class AppUserClaimsIdentityFactory: claim commandfile Nobody knows how can I solve this issue?
Solution Thanks to @ Ator, this is the last code!
Public Class AppUserClaimsIdentityFactory: Claiming Factory & lt; AppUser, string & gt; {Public Async Override Task & Lt; Identity of the claim & gt; CreateAsync (UserManager & lt; AppUser, String & gt; Manager, AppUser user, string authentication type) {var is waiting for the identity = base. CreateAsync (Manager, User, Authentication Type); Identity.AddClaim (new claim (type of claim. Country, user country)); Return identity; }}
Can you try to view the version? Microsoft files on GIT. Espenet Ident.coredll uses version 1 and now it's virginian 2. Try identifying the claim IDENTIFITY
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