scala - Why does Play 2.3.4 and jacoco4sbt > 2.1.4 fail with NoSuchMethodError? -
I'm trying to use jacoco4sbt in my Play 2.3.4 (Scala 2.10.4) app but only 2.1 4 seems to work. When I use .5 or .6, I get the following error:
[error] (main / jacoco: fullClasspath) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.methodVisitor .visitMethodInsn ( I tried to add asm-all (version 4.1) (Iljava / Lang / string; Lijava / Lang / string; Lijawa / Lang / string; z) and 5.0.3) for dependency, but it does not help at all. What could be the problem? Do I need to add any additional dependencies?
for 5.0.1, and even with that, Re-generates.
Project / sbt.version = 0.13.7-M3 < Strong> project / plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin (""% "sbt-plugin"% "2.3.4") plugins / jacoco4sbt.sbt addSbtPlugin ("de.johoop"% "jacoco4sbt"% "2.1.6") build.sbt name: = "" play-jacoko "" version: = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" enablePlugins (PlayScala) scalaVersion: = "2.11.2" libraryDependencies ++ = Seq (JDBC, anorm, cache, ws) pipelineStages: = Seq (radio jockey, digest, gzip) jacoco.settings When I jacoco: cover then it worked fine. [play-uglify] $ jacoco: cov er [info] 2 scala sources / user / jacek / sandbox / play-eugel / target / scala-2.11 / test-class ... sfl 4j: during the initial phase, set localized logger to lll 4 j Can be reached: The logging call during this SLF 4J: the steps were not honored. However, logging calls to these SLF 4J later: Loggers will normally work as expected. SLF4J: See also SLF4J: org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.IncorrectnessListenerImpl SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit Javascript .StrictErrorReporter SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.DefaultCssErrorHandler SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.configuration.JavaScriptConfiguration SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.javascript.JavaScriptEngine SLF4J: com.gargoylesoftware Htmlinit.WebResponse [info] Integration SEPC [INFO] [INFO] Application for a browser [application] [information] [information] + [for specific information] Unity [Notice] Overall 29 MS [Information] 1 U [Information] application [app] [info] + [bad] send request to 404 [info] + render index page [info] [info] Total application for specification [info] 29 ms [Information] 2 instances, 0 failures, 0 errors or [information] passed: Total 3, failed 0, errors 0, passed 3 [information] [information] ------- jako coverage report ------ - [information] [information] Lines: 57.5 covered (34%), ok [information] Instructions: 72.12% (& Gt; (0.0% expected), 1872 of 1872 Miss, fine [information] Branches: 27.78% (> OK [information] Complexity: 76.73% (> = 0.0% expected), 26 [36] 26 of the defaults, OK 26 [wrong], 81.94% (> expected = 0.0% expected) cover, cover 245 miss, ok [information] class: 57.14% (> = 0.0% expected) cover, 28 out of 12 Miss, OK [Info] Check / User / Jacek / Sandbox / Play-Euglif / Goal / Scala -2.11 / Jacobo Extension Report for [Info] [Success] Total Time: 6S, Full 9 October 2014 7:42:31 AM < p> Where are we different?
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