laravel - Error codeception requires CURL extension installed -

OK, I am using Larval 5 through the tutorial series on the Larbuk and I try to use the codeaption Got trapped in The name of my loyal app folder is "Lerbook"

Running the seller / bin / codec from my Larkook folder, I have been given a list of options in the right way. Then I started it and it worked. I have created a SignUpCept.php file directed and filled it with the following.

  & lt ;? Php $ I = New FunctionalTel ($ scenario); $ I-> ('a guest'); $ I- & gt; Want ('Sign up for a Laboboc Entry'); $ I- & gt; AmOnPage ('/'); $ I- & gt; Click ('sign up'); $ I- & gt; seeCurrentUrlEquals ('/ register'); $ I- & gt; Bharflild ('Username:', 'John Do'); $ I- & gt; Bharfeld ('email:', ''); $ I- & gt; Fill ('password:', 'demo'); $ I- & gt; Bharfeld ('Password Confirmation:', 'Demo'); $ I- & gt; Click ('sign up'); $ I- & gt; seeCurrentUrlEquals (''); $ I- & gt; See ('Welcome to Laboo!');   

But when I run "vendor / bin / codeass run functional" then I get the following error.

  [exception] Need to set up test.   

Now if I type curl - help gives me a list of options which means that it is set up correctly, why is this happening? I'm using Windows with Comedy and Virtualbox and Laverne 5.

My "test" folder is in the root of my Larkook folder and my codeception.yml file looks like this.

  Actor: tester path: test: test log: test / _output data: test / _data assistant: test / _support settings: bootstrap: _bootstrap.php color: wrong memory_limit: 1024m module: configure : Db: dsn: '' user: '' password: '' dump: test / data / dump sql   

I have .env.testing.php setup also correctly attaches to the root of Larbuk Is in.


  $ curl --help   

means that the UNIX command line curl program is installed on your system.

It also means that the Unix curl library is installed on your system.

This no means that the PHP curl extension is installed on your PHP system.

Create a small test file with the following PHP code

  phpinfo ();   

This will list all the extensions installed by PHP. My guess is that the PHP curl extension is not installed.

Remember that the command line version of PHP you are using may be different from the web version of PHP.


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