tableview - How to send didSelectRowAtIndexPath back to view controller in swift -
I have 1 view controller and 1 table view controller fast. I can send a NSMutableArray from ViewController to populate the ViewController table using segue. I do not know how to send the selected row back to the view controller. Code so far:
Override function table view (Table view: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath index: Path: NSIndexPath) {println ("You selected cell # \ (indexPath.row)!") // Code Any ideas?
Itemprop = "text"> You can use the delegation pattern Protocol Create a property:
Protocol MyDataDelegate {didSelectRow (line: NSIndexPath, data: MyData)} In the table controller, add a property: < pre> MyDataDelegate: MyDataDelegate? Call the delegate method in and didSelectRowAtIndexPath call: overcoded function tableview (table view: UITableView, didSelectRowAtIndexPath index path : NSIndexPath) {Println ("You have selected cell # \ (indexPath.row)!") Data = getDataForRow (indexPath) // & lt; == You need to implement yourself. MyDataDelegate? .didSelectRow (indexPath, data: data) auto In your main view controller: - Apply
MyDataDelegate protocol / li> - Apply the MyDataDelegate.didSelectRow method
- Before you submit the table controller (or after creating it, if you do it manually), set the
myDataDelegate property to yourself Table Controller In this way, when a line is selected in your table controller, then didSelectRow It is said on the block, so that whatever you want with the index path and / o definitely didSelectRow sign (indexpath, or a line index, with data or Without use, etc.) Feel free to change
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