Couchbase on Heroku -
This may be a common question, but I have a "simple" Jim log "app, which is the Do I have to add an add-on to the Can someone give me some hints? Here is a link to all my code: "Module couchbase could not be found" means that your node app can not get Couchbase module. More likely "npm installed couchbase "Is installed locally, so it works on your machine. To work on Heroku, you have your package. Couchbase module dependency must be added in the JSON file. "Dependencies": {"Happy": "^ 6.0.2", "Joy": "^ 4.6.1", "Request": "^ 2.37.0", "Underscore ":" ^ 1.6.0 "," Couchbase ":" * "} If you do not want to use the latest (2.0.3 as the writing), then one Replace "*" with a specific version. node and I am using the
couchbase as database, everything works when I run it on my machine. The problem arises when I call it
Heroku > And try to run it when I check the log I receive an error that
module couchbase was not found.
myoku or define
couchbase as my dependency in
To work on myoku for my app?
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