root - Android L Preview: Attempting Task Locking By Rooting -
I am trying to test that the locking of workloads in Android L by removing the device instead of creating a custom ROM Can be completed or not. I have created a' device_owner.xml 'file and placed it in \ data \ system. On reboot, the Nexus 7 2013 tablet sits on the logo 'Sharing Android Balls'. If I go to TWRP and delete the file, then the boot sequence is completed. Do anyone know what's going on? I do not believe that what I am trying to do is possible, because this system is not in the image Was made. On this Google Git page, the function is installed (): Package information should contain ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM, which means the system should be part of the image. & lt ;? XML version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-
8 '& gt; & Lt; Device owner & gt; Package = "com.ta.instrumentcontroller" name = "TA tool controller" & lt; / Device-owner & gt;
Static Boolean is installed (string packagename, package manager, pm) {try {PackageInfo Pi; If ((pi = pm.getPackageInfo (package name, 0)) = null) {if ((pi.applicationInfo.flags and ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM)! = 0) {back true; }}} Hold (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {slog.w (tag, "device owner package" + packagename + "is not installed"); } return false; }
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