r install.packages to install downloaded packages -

I am trying to install and update the packages install.packages (ask = wrong) downloads packages but If there is an error, it stops, if I run it again, it downloads the package again.

I am using Debian stable Linux with Backport repositories, as explained earlier:

This answer is for a Linux system, though I think the windows should not be different. When you try to install a package, at the end of the process (whether successful or not), tells you where to download the package you should see something like this:

  # Downloaded source packages # â ???? / Tmp / rtmpSPFiKl / download_packagesâ ????   

The path can change on a case basis. Store the source packages in a temporary folder; This means that the next time you reboot, the files will disappear. So, suppose I was trying to install a package for which some system requirements are necessary. I get an error then I proceed to install the required system packages. When I try to set R package back, I can:

  install.packages ("/ tmp / rtmpSPfiKl / download_packages / packagename.tar.gz", repos = NULL)   

Do not download it for the second time.


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