ruby - Jekyll missing post, page, and default -

My goal is to create a website using jacile + jithb pages. I have already participated in the burden of trouble, where Mavericks had to upgrade his Mac from Mount Sher, so I could install ExCode and Redcloth.

I am trying to use, but it has been a non-stop problem as mentioned above. I am at that point where I am trying to run Bundle Enz Jaikil

But I have received errors saying that there was no such date:

  error : Your site can not be created: ------------------------------------ Invalid date ' 0000-00-00 ': post' /vendor/bundle/ruby/2.0.0/gems/jekyll- 2.4.0 / lib / site_template/_posts/0000-00-00- welcome-to-jacquel.markdown.arb ' Does not have a valid date in the file name   

so I went and in today's date Put the next error was

  Error: Your site can not be created: ---------------------- ----- --------- Invalid date '& lt;% = time.noustraftime ('% Y-% m-% d% H:% M:% S ')% & gt ; ': Post' / Seller / Bandal / RUB / 2.0.0 / gems / jekyll-2.4.0 / lib / site_template / _posts / 2014-10-08-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown.erb 'near YAML Front There is no valid date in the case.   

So I went to the welcome-to-jacile file and put it in today's date and time.

I tried to run the server again, the next issue that I can not find around now, many files seem to disappear:

  build warning: vendor / bundle Layouts 'Post' 2.4.0 / lib / site_template / _posts / 2014-10-08 - Welcome-to-Jacol.MarkDown.Arab is not present in the Ruby / 2.0.0 / Gem / Junkel Warning: Vendor The requested 'page' is not present in / bundle / ruby ​​/ 2.0.0 / gemstone / jekyll-2.4.0 / lib / site_template / Create alert: The layout 'default' in the seller / bundle / ruby ​​/ 2.0.0 / gemstone / jekyll-2.4.0 / lib / site_template / index.html is not requested. Conversion Error: JK :: Converters :: SCSS encountered an error in changing 'Vendor / Bundle / Ruby / 2.0.0 / Gem / Jakeel-2.4.0 / Lib / Site_Timeplate / CSS / Main SCSS'.   

Gogal has not answered any questions from my understanding, it was considered a straight forward process, but it became a completely disaster!

URL in repo:

Do you sell your gems at the seller / bundle Was established in? I was getting the same error and this issue was fixed to me on the Jekyll Gitub Project


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