localization - Setting region based Local in android -

I want to specify different values ​​for Arabic language in different areas.

I have the following values ​​folders in the reserve directory:

  res / values ​​res / vaues-ar res / values-ar-rsa   

Depending on the selected area, I am trying to set up local like this:

  locale locale = new locale ("AR-SA"); Locale.setDefault (location); Configuration config = new configuration (); Config.locale = locale; GetBaseContext (). GetResources () Update Configuration (config, getBaseContext). GetResources () GetDisplayMetrics ());   

But it always loads values ​​from the res / values-ar folder.

Okay I thought it. To set up a field based locale, I need to use a different constructor. Just changed this line

  locale locale = new locale ("AR-SA");   


  locale locale = new locale ("AR", "SA"); // (language, country)    


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