python - Named entity recognition : For new/latest entities -
Sorry for that weird "question title", but I can not think of a proper title.
Im new to NLP concepts, so I used the NER demo (). Now the issue is that "how and in what way" I can use these tags made by the NER. I mean, what are these answers or names associated with their names that can be attracted to organizations which have been given place in some groups - location, person, organization etc. If I have the names of completely new companies, places, then how am I going to do these NER tagguns for such data?
Plus do not block or block me, I need guidance / expert suggestions, it is one thing to read about a concept, while it is able to know where & amp; There is one more thing to apply when it is asking for guidance where Im is giving a snippet of the demo: -
Dogs have been used in the cargo area for some time, but recent In the passenger areas, there is a dog near LOC Nevark and LoC JFK airports LoC JFK and LOC Newark In a handful, PERFirsty has said. Generally, the NER is a step in a pipeline, for example, once tagged all entities If you have many sentences like There are plenty of other uses, however, depending on the type of data you already have and what you are trying to achieve. [PER John Smith], CEO of [ORG IBM] said ... , you can set a table of companies and CEO. This is a form.
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