Raspberry Pi Simple LED using python and GPIO not working -
I am using a raspberry PB + model from the box. I have started the initial setup and trying to lighten an LED using GPIO pin 7. Circuit works when the 3.3 volts and GNDs are connected directly with one resistance at one end of the LED. Now when I use the following code to lighten the LED, it does not seem like that there is no error, but the LED remains unchanged. Import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup (7, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output (7, true) / Pre>
I have tried to do "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade", I took GPIO.BCM to replace GPIO.BOARD and to change the PIN to match the BCM number Also tried. Can anyone tell me what is BCM?
I have also tried to restart the device.
I will answer "What stands for BCM?" Part of this question: Stands for the company, which makes BCM 2835 chip which uses Raspberry PE. More information is given here:
For the main part of your question, this site may be better: It seems that your problem is associated with electronics. Pi instead of Python code
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