ios - Apple Mach-O-Linker Error CocoaPods -
So I'm trying to get my app up and running. The app I could tell was lost to Cocopod as a dependency. Hence. I installed and added Cocopod but I still get the same error for whatever reason. I am an inexperienced developer who is trying to teach myself, I have to add.
LD / Users / Buffrag / Library / Developer / Exode / Dervitated Data / Umbrella - CSPUJFSCF / FMV / FU / FEfiWeek / Build / Products / Debug - Effonimulator / / Umbrella General ION 6 CD "/ Users / Bifarag / Desktop / Nerdery / BRAVO.iOS.CodeChallenge "Export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 7.0 Export Path =" / Application / / Content / Developer / Platform / iPhoneSimulator.platform / Developer / usr / bin: /Applications/ / Developer / usr / bi N: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin "/ application / i386-isysroot / Applications / Xcode. App / Contents / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneSimulator.platform / Developer / SDKs / iPhoneSimulator7.1.sdk L / users / bfarag / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Umbrella-cspuzusfqmqgnwdqfhtiyivaqwke / Produce / Products / Debug - EFoniculator - F / Users / Beefarag / library / developer / xcode / derivatedata / umbrella-espazusfkmkwdqfifewivevwyq / build / products / debug-iphoneimilator -philist / Visa / buffer / library / developer / xcode / derivatedata / Umbrela-sipuzusfamweekwidewindfwifewikke / child / interredits / umbrella.bild / debug -fonimilator / umbrella.bild / objects -normal / i386 / uplink.linkfile list -clinker -OJC_b_vian -xlinker2- Objc -l pods-umbrella-f networking - framework CoreGraphics -framework MobileCoreServices -framework security -framework SystemConfiguration -fobjc-arch-fobjc-link-order -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs - Mios-simulator version min = 7.0 -framework accelerate -framework UIKit -framework Foundation -framework CoreGraphics -lPods - LPods-Umbrella -Xlinker -dependency_info -Xlinker / Users / bfarag / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Umbrella-cspuzusfqmqgnwdqfhtiyivaqwke / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphonesimulator / / Objects-normal / i386 / Umbrella_dependency_info Dat-o / Users / bfarag / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Umbrella-cspuzusfqmqgnwdqfhtiyivaqwke / Build / Products / Debug-iphonesimulator /
ld: not found for library -l pods clags: error: failed with linker command failure code 1 (use -v to view invitations For)
This error usually occurs when you do not have The correct frameworks (one is missing) or when you do not have the right thing in the linker flag.
Go to the main page of the app (Navigate to the navigation object on the left click on your app name or the top section ) -> Create under the settings and the linker flag, make sure there is nothing in your other linker flag. I had the same error with the objesi in R. Flags.
You can try connecting your other linker flag or adding core graphics structure if you do not already have it.
Good luck
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