ios8 - UITableView not interacting after modyifing the bounds on a UIModalPresentationCustom -
Basically, I'm trying to present a custom modal view with a specific size and position because I was able to manage it via popover I
On iOS 7. But on iOS it seems that they change things.
I manage to achieve this with the following:
UpViewController * upViewController = [[UpviewController alloc] init]; UpViewController.delegate = self; UINavigationController * Navigation Controller = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: upViewController]; Navigation Controller Model Presentation Style = UIModal Presentation Custom; [Self-present ViewController: Animation Navigation Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; In UpViewController.m:
- (zero) view will see the layout and view view {{super view attribute attributes}; Self.navigationController.view.superview.bounds = CGRectMake (-350, -30, 320, screen size. Hi- (44 + 20)); } My problem is presented after my model view. We can not interact with UITableView which is added to the scene. Does anyone have to face this problem?
Looks like I found my own solution instead of setting the boundary, I did the navigation controller. View.frame:
- (zero) view playoffsviewviews {[Super ViewWorldSub visible]; Self.navigationController.view.frame = CGRectMake (screen size, fourth-20, 44, 320, screen size .- (44)); }
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