Issue On Setting Session Using Ajax, jQuery, and PHP -

I am trying to create a simple Ajax login system and I have a jQuery Ajax call in login.php:

  if (proceed) {var data = 'email =' + tempEmail + '& amp; Pass = '+ tempPass; Var loginreq = $ Axx ({type: "post", url: "asset / temps .fp", cache: false, data: data}); Loginreq.done (function (html) {if (html == 'true') {window.location.replace ('app.php');} and {$ ("# loginRequest"). First ('& lt; div Class = "alert alert-hazard error" role = "alert"> email or password is not correct ;)}}}); }   

tempusers.php is like the file:

   = 1) {echo 'true'; $ _SESSION ['uName'] = $ line ['uName'];} Else {echo 'false' ;}? & Gt;   

and in my app.php I have

  & lt ;? php session_start (); if (! _ Session ['yum']) {header ('location: login.php');}? & Gt; & gt; DOCTYPE html & gt; & lt; html lang = "en" & gt; & lt; Top & gt; Title & gt; Secret Land & lt; / title & gt; & lt; / head & gt; Body & gt; & lt; h1 & gt; Hi This App & lt;/ H1 & gt; & gt; / body & gt; & lt; / html>   

I'm sure I'm putting the correct user e-mail password in the box, But the app.php is not showing! I can not find an error message

When I remove the starting portion of the app.php from the page, then everything works fine!

  & lt ;? Php session_start (); If (empty! ($ _ Session ['yum']) {header ('location: login.php'); }? & Gt;   

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong and what is the reason for this problem?

If valid login

  $ _ session ['uName'] = $ Line ['uName'];   

So yes, it is not empty

  if (! ($ _ Session ['uName']))   

Assume this should be

  (empty ($ _ session ['uName'])) Is   

correct? :)


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