android.view.InflateException Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError -

This problem occurs only on some devices, but crashes the entire app for those users.

The app loads two images at a time, is a basic, a staining copy for a scrolling effect. I am now using Picasso to load images which reduce issues Gives it, but it still happens to choose something.

A new set of images (original and dimmed) is opened every time the app is opened.

This type of images are initialised in onCreateView method:

  nonBlurImageView = (imageView) layoutView.findViewById (; .. Picasso.with (getActivity ()) Load (GetResources () getIdentifier (bgNum, "drawable", getActivity () getPackageName ())) (nonBlurImageView); BlurredImageView = (ImageView) layoutView.findViewById (; . In Picasso.with (getActivity ()) load (. GetResources () getIdentifier (bgNum + "_ blur", "drawable", getActivity () getPackageName ()).) (BlurredImageView).   

with stack trace starts

  android.view.InflateException: binary XML file line # 24: error class & lt; Unknown & gt; android.view.LayoutInflater.createView ( ( on android.view.LayoutInflater.onCreateView (on )   

Where is # 24

  & lt; imageView android: id = "@ + id / orginal_image" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "Match_parent" Android: scaleType = "centerCrop" Android: src = "@ drawable / Biji_l" / & gt;   

Is there a problem with GC or some things? Is this a better way?

Thank you!

It's beautiful though it's late, but nobody can stumble over here I have almost this The problem was that my app crashed in the beginning because it tries to load an empty string in a ImageView . Empty string throws an exception inside Piccasso.load () method, but null does not null instead loads placeholder .

Then first try to see your URL if its blank or your image ressource id is equal to zero and if so, use null instead. "

Hope this will help: D


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