java - Generating PDF containing SVG images using Apache FOP in an Oracle database -

I am trying to use Apache FOP for PPD documents within an Oracle 11g database. Using the loadjava tool, I have placed sections from the following jar files in my schema:

  1. Commons-Logging-1.0.4.jpg Commons-oo-1.3.1.jpg
  2. Avalon-Framework- jar
  3. xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar
  4. xalan-2.7.0.jar
  5. serializer-2.7.0.jar
  6. xmlgraphics-commons-1.5.jar
  7. batik-all-1.7 Jar
  8. fop.jar

    Inside the database, I can generate PDF documents without graphics. The same code outside the database (command line) creates a PDF document with all related graphics.

    Inline SVG graphics are only ignored while implementing the database. They are presented correctly by the boutique outside the database.

    Have you successfully used Apache FOP to create PDF documents containing SVG graphics in OPEC database?

    I have a graphic defined & lt; fo: external-graphic content-width = ".5in" content-height = ".5in" src = "data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgA ..." /> . It is translated correctly outside of the database, and when executing in the database, a permissions error occurs:

      ORA-29532: Java exception without Java exception: javax Xml.transform.TransformerException: java security AccessControlException: Provisioning (java.lang.RuntimePermission getClassLoader) is not provided on the patronage (empty & lt; a signature certificate & gt;)$TransletClassLoader@98644313 Has been done & lt; Some principals & gt; ((java.lang.RuntimePermissionTrreadGroup) (java.lang.RuntimePermissionSecurityManager) (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThread) (java.lang.RuntimePermission Preferences) (java.lang.RuntimePermission exitVM) (Java .atil .PropertyPermission write user.language) (read java.util.PropertyPermission *) ( LoadClassInPackage. *))   

    Within the database, I know how my Allow Schema ; Although I do not know how I should provide the getClassLoader to load in the codebase.

    Note : Clearly change the URL of the inline graphic above url (' data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgA ... '' ) have fixed the problem for this image.

    Thank you!

    I had this problem removed from & lt; Fo: external-graphic / & gt; Inline Image: The problem was with the src attribute, originally specified without url ('...') . Adding the URL to the src attribute fixes the image while running in the database.

    I am unable to render inline SVG graphics while running in database.


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