for loop - Basic Java Hangman -
Hey guys, I'm just starting to learn Java as my first programming language! In the classroom, we were appointed to create an original hanging game for a while and loop!
Whatever I have done When the first estimate of user inputs assumes that the characters they were guessed were corrected but Still out and stating that I have recognized the wrong characters! Support will be highly appreciated !! My question is, am I doing wrong in my code? I need to tell the user if his estimate is true or false. My code: This is what I have done so far and here is the output You define Then you can call it, Edit You can use it to do this without the other method, And, since you have not used it -
import cs1.Keyboard; Public class hangman {public static zero chief (string agre []) {int intimateCount = 0; Int accurance = 0; Boolean found this; Boolean solution; Four estimates, answers; String word; System.out.println ("Welcome to Hongman!"); System.out.println ("Enter a word for the opponent's guess!"); word = keyboard.readString (); While (estimator calculation & lt; = 6) {System.out.println ("Please enter any letter A-Z as your guess!"); Estimate = Keyboard Readers (); (Int i = 0; i & lt; word.length (); i ++) {if (estimate == word.charAt (i)) {System.out.println ("You guessed a correct letter is!"); CorrectGuess ++; System.out.println ("True Fault Count:" + Perfect Guess); Hull = false; } And if (estimate! = Word. ChartAut (I)) {System.out.println ("Sorry, this is a false guess!" + "Please try again!"); GuessCount ++; System.out.println ("Count Number:" + EstimateCount); Hull = false; }} If (correctGuess == word.length ()) {solved = true; System.out.println ("Congratulations!" + "You have Guessed the Word!"); }}}}
Welcome to hangman! Please enter a word for the opponent's guess! Hello, please enter your AZ as your guess! sorry! This is a false guess! Please try again! Calculate: 1 Sorry! This is a false guess! Please try again! Calculate: 2 You have guessed a correct letter! Calculate the correct fault: 1 You have guessed a correct letter! Correct estimate count: 2 Sorry! This is a false guess! Please try again! It looks like: 3 Please enter any letter A-Z as your guess!
estimation each character for
string and then display for each letter , instead, you should write a method that calculates the characters that match the input (it also handles those words which Repeat the letter). So,
private static int countOf (string in, four ch) {int count = 0; For (four c: in. Cicarrere ()) {if (c == ch) {count ++; }} Return calculation; }
Estimate = Keyboard .readChar (); Int count = countOf (words, estimates); If (calculation> 0) {System.out.println ("You have guessed a correct letter!"); Right + = calculation; } Else {System.out.println ("Sorry! This is a unique idea! Please try again!"); Estimate ++;
Estimate = Keyboard .readChar (); Int count = 0; For (four c: in.toCharArray ()) {if (c == estimate) {count ++; }} If (calculation> 0) {System.out.println ("You have guessed a correct letter!"); Right + = calculation; } else {System.out.println ("Sorry! This is a unique idea! Please try again!"); Estimate ++;
char [] characters = E.T.carrere (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; chars.length; i ++) {if (character [i] == estimate) {count ++; }}
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