sql - Access Refresh Form -

I have a simple access form with a record set and some checkboxes used to record some fields Gives reference source.

There is also a command button, which when pressed, connects any fields in which the related checkbox query is correct for the SQL query, then deletes the existing query and declares it to the new SQL statement Makes use again by using

All this is working as expected, although I can not find the form to reload the new query. I have tried. Refresh but neither work, I have to manually close the form and it will have to be re-opened to display new areas.

Do anyone have any idea how can I get it to stop the form and it is happening again?


________ edited ___________

  start the error again on the private subcommand 28_Click () as the next dim strSQL string dim In the form of string dim qdf as strSQL_2, CONAQUERY_NAME as string-= "qry_pick_search" as the DAO quadrite. Me.Controls in each ctl if ctl.ControlType = acCheckBox then ctl.Value then strSQL = strSQL & amp; "Choice of." & Amp; Ctl.Tag & amp; "," If finished, then click on the next running DB.cl.f. Diff. Err_Command28_Click on error goto strSQL_2 = "select preference.", "& Amp; StrSQL & amp; "Pispart, Gate (Pix.id) AS calculation with choice of PF pix. Type," & amp; StrSQL & amp; "Pictures Prt Hving ((pics. Type) = [form] [Farm_piks] [Cyn_prkar]) and ((Picture Prt) = [form] [Farm_piks] [[Cyn_part]) or ((([Forms] ! [Frems_piks] [Cyn_ part]) is null) and (([form]! [Fm_piks] select [type]) is null) or ((pics. type) = [form] [Farm_piks] [ Select_type]) and (([form]] [frm_picks]! [Select_part]) is null) or ((pics Prti) = [form]! [Frm_picks]! [Select_part]) and (([form]! [frm_picks] ! [select_type]) is faucet, order by choice; type picture; "Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef (conquERY_NAME, strSQL_2) form. Requery Exit_Command28_Click: exit sub Err_Command28_Click: MsgBox Err.Description,    

If you are editing the SQL on a flight, why not explore it directly form? < Pre> me. Records Source = Strauss SQL_2

(Note that there is no necessary requirement. Changing the form records automatically causes the use of requery)

The past and it works just fine.


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