background - Local notification to poll server at interval (iOS 7) -
I have an NSTimer in iOS, which for every data line in the table based on the voting on a database server every 10 seconds Voting is a fixed data id, which is sent as a logic via PHP-script if the data ID matches the Data ID of the row that is inserted by an external source, then the notification from the app data line Containing a warning box and NSTimer Will stop to be.
But it only works, while the app is running in the foreground and I want to show the notification message as a local alert so that the user exits the app, it will still vote When the app is running in the background well.
I have read on many sites that the Local Notification Service and Background Forbank is the right kind of solution, but I do not know how to actually set it, it is very misleading. Because I have seen many examples where local notifications are used to send reminders to certain dates on calendar and triggers alarms at certain times and not much about voting on a server.
How do you establish a local notification that will vote for a server at a distance of 10 seconds and then as soon as it receives the right type information, will it display it ultimately?
Even how far have I done so far You do not check local notification server on this slightly backwards Instead, you apply background fetch and then post local information if the background fetch detects relevant data. There is a good tutorial for bringing the background. Note that every 10 seconds will not be executed for the background ... NSTimer * confirmedTimer; Int ORD = 1; ... - (IBAction) sendButton: (ID) sender {confirmTimer = [NSTimer scheduled timer with time interval: 10.0 target: auto selector: @sillector (confirmation tick) user information: zero repeats: yes]; } - Tick (void) confirmed {NSString * paramsConfirmed = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "order_id =% d", orderId]; NSData * postDataConfirmed = [parameter confirmation data is encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSURL * url has been confirmed [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSMutableURL request * Confirmed confirmation = [NSMutableURL request request withURL: url confirmed]; [Requested confirmation HTTTP method: @ "post"]; [requestconfirmed addValue: @ "application / x-www-form-urlencoded" forHTTPHeaderField: @ "content-type"]; [Requested HTTPBB: PostData confirmed]; [Validated value of request: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% i", postDataConfirmed.length] forHTTPHeaderField: @ "content-length"]; NSURLResponse * response confirmed; NSError * Error Confirmed = Zero; NSDTA * Received Data Confirmation * [NSRR Connection Sending Synchronous: Request: Confirmation & amp; Reacted error: & amp; Error; Confirmed;); If (Error confirmed) {If (Received Confirmation KindOfClass: [NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {NSHTTPURLResponse * httpResponseConfirmed = (NSHTTPURLResponse *) Feedback confirmed; Return; } Return; } NSString * responseStringConfirmed = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: Received Data Confirmation Encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; If ([responseStringConfirmedEqualToString: @ "true"]) {return; } NSDictionary * json object has been confirmed [[responseStringConfirmed objectFromJSONString]; NSDictionary * jsonDictionary = [NSJSerification JSONObjectWithData: Received Data Confirmed Option: 0 Error: Zero]; NSArray * Confirmation = [jsonDictionary ObjectForreq: @ "confirmation_table"]; If ([Pertiary count]> 0) {[confirmedimimer invalid]; NSString * Confirmation message = @ ""; (Confirmation message = [Confirmation message stringBapping string: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "confirm_id:% @ \ n", [NSNumber NumberAttah: [[Confirmation ObjectForcae: @ "Confirmation_ID" ] intValue]]]]]; Confirmation Message = [Confirmation StringBapping string: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "order_id:% @ \ n", [with NSNumber numbers: [[Confirmation objectForace: @ "Order_ID"] ]Invival »]]] ;; Confirmation message = [Confirmation string stringBapping string: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Notice:% @", [Confirmed Objectwork: @ "Information"]]]; } UIAlertView * confirmedAlert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Confirmation" message: Confirmation message Representative: Cancel zeroTenTitle: @ "OK" other buttontitles: zero]; [Confirmation show]; [ConfirmationAlert Release]; }}
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