c# - Data binding to singleton class -

I have searched here many times and found a bunch of examples, but nothing can be found to work. .

A solution has been established to me, where a view model refers to the main visual model class through a locator. The main visual model is in the class:

  public notification log {get {return LogMgr.Instance.log; }}   

This allows me to specify:

  & lt; The text box IsEnabled = "True" text = "{Compulsive Log Test, Mode = Options}" />   

NotifyLog is defined as:

  public class NotifyLog: INotifyPropertyChanged {public NotifyLog () {_Log = new StringBuilder (); } Private Zero OnPropertyChanged (String property) {If Property (PropertyChanged! = Zero) property changed (this, New PropertyChangedEventArgs (property)); } Private Event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; Private stringbuilder _log; Public Zero Enclosed (string value) {_Log.Append (value); OnPropertyChanged ("text"); } Public string text {return {Return _Log.ToString (); }} Public Override String ToString () {This Return. Text; }}   

For the initial start of the application, the text box is populated, but, OnPropertyChanged handlers are not automatically binding by population so no changes are found. I am doing something wrong, I just do not know ...

Thank you for your time, Bloody

If you want to update the log when typing in the text box, you need to change the binding mode in binary. Even when you exit the text box, then each event is triggered, not on each typed letter.

If you want to update the text box while changing the text, then you need to add a center to the text property. Increase the NotifyPropertyChanged event (in setter).

Check the program's output for some compulsive errors.


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