How to replace html in php -

I am reading for hours and how it can be understood how to do it. I can get examples of everything but what I want

 left: 6px; "& Gt;   



Each post should have something that I can add to a single.php file to complete it.

If you do not want to databases the way

  jquery (document) .ready (function () {var cntnt = jQuery (" body "). Html () ; If (cntnt.indexOf ('style =' margin-top: -501px ')> -1) {var cntntreplaced = cntnt.replace (/ & lt; div style = "kill Jin-top: -501px; margin-left: 6px; "gt; / g, 'div class =" flex-video "& gt;'); $ (" body ") .replaceWith (" & lt ; Body & gt; "+ cntntreplaced +" & lt; / body & gt; ");}});      


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