machine learning - Grouping Similar Images with names in them -
I have hundreds of images that need to be grouped together. All the pictures have names in it with colors. Is there a simple way of grouping them on the basis of names along with colors? Is there a package available in Python or an algorithm with which it can be done?
For example, in the above image there is a "boy" If I had a similar image with the same name. Then how can I group them together.
If the text is clear as you do not need to learn the machine: only the name of the key Use the same name to group all items with the same name. If the text is still clear, but you want to group the conjugate group named stem or lemmatize with NLTK . If the text is clear, but you want to group meaning-related words that are not conjugate only, use a topic model or word2vec , which will give you each A vector of the word gives space embedding then it can be used to do a similarity search . I highlighted key words to help you with your help. The technical term for your problem is called clustering .
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