cakephp - Different routing behaviour according to debug level -

I have a cake php site that lives in a subdirectory on my site which is called safe, therefore   

When the debug level is 1 or 2 then it works fine, but if I get the debug level to 0 Change ( Configure :: Type ('debug', 0); ) and I get this error by visiting that address:

  Error: The requested address' / Safe / index.php / secure / 'was not found on this server.   

I have the following two routes in the route. Php

  router :: connect ('/', array ('controller' => gtk; 'page', 'action' => 'display', 'home')); Router :: Connect ('/ safe', array ('Controller' => gtk; 'page', 'verb' = & gt; 'display', 'home'));   

How can I work with 0 to work with debug? I can transfer the whole site to, but I should have this last resort.

Routing is not being affected by debug level.

Your problem is that you are pointing to the path on the home page, which is available only in debug mode because it shows that sensitive information is likely to be seen See ap / see / page / home.txt

  (if configured :: read ('debug')): throw a new notefood exception (); end if;   

Test your routes with a custom page and everything should work fine.


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