java - How to override the defaults provided by SPRING BOOT Autoconfiguration -
I have some knowledge of Spring 2.5 development and Java, but I know more about boot and data including modern spring. I'm trying to I am looking at the project:
I have been working on this example on my machine, but I want to override some aspects of the example. For example, I want to specify my own Mongo database server and name to use in the project. It seems that the thing to do is to specify a new bean Mongo data source to make, but I'm not sure how to do this in this case
import com.mongodb.Mongo Import com.mongodb.MongoClient; Import example.person.Person; Import example.person.PersonRepository; Import example.treasure.Treasure; Import example.treasure.TreasureRepository; Import org.slf4j.Logger; Import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; Import organization Source: Import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; Import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration; Import; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; Import; Import organization Source: Import javax.activation.DataSource; Import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import; / ** * The application configuration file is used for bootstrap and data setup * * @author Greg Turnquash * @author Oliver Gyrk * / @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableJpaRepositories @EnableMongoRepositories Public class application {Personal Static Last logger log = LoggerFactory GetLogger (Application.class); Public static zero main (string [] args) { (application.class, args); } @ Autonomous person repository person repository; @ Autonomous Treasure Resizatory Treasury Reservatory; @PostConstruct void checkitOut () { (new person ("frado", "baggins")); Person repository.Seve (new person ("Bilbo", "Baggins")); (Person: personRepository.findAll ()) { ("hello" + person. To string ()); } TreasureRepository.deleteAll (); (new jackpot ("sting", "Made the Elves")); (New Treasure ("The Ring of Sorrow", "A Ring to Rule Them")); (Treasure Treasure: treasureRepository.findAll ()) { ("Found Treasure" + Treasure. Tothing ()); }}} "itemprop =" text "> The actual properties were in the dock attached to me < P> There was no mistake in suggestion from Marcus -. It's *
I'm still not sure how I can change the name of the db though - the default "appears to be test" - maybe it's a default in Moongbab ?
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