mysql - How this query should be? -
I have a problem with this question:
SELECT * by post where the title ' % 'Samsung%' or title '% 42%' and 'gtc:' = '100' and the price & lt; = '1000000' and shipping = '1' and sales_type = '1' LIMIT 0,50 The problem is that when I get 2 or more titles '%%' , then only send me the title of '% samsung%' and 'price' gt; only the title '% LIKE' %% '' SELECT *. = '100' and the price & lt; = '1000000' and shipping = '1' and sales_type = '1' LIMIT 0,50 Ignoring other options
I hope someone hands me
You can try this way:
WHERE Title REGEXP 'Samsung | 42 '[/ code> More info here:
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