Can't create a Hive Table from an avro file -

I can create a table above an avio file using the following syntax without any error it is a blank on the FIR The table is Create an external table table named Partition (ingest day time BIGINT, record type STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serd2.avro.AvroSerDe' INPUTFORMAT form Organized in 'org.apache.hadoop' OUTPUTFORMAT '' Tabletpropertia ('avro.schema.url' = 'hdfs: ///user/file.avsc ');

When I add a line to the actual avio file link, I get a permission error

  Participate by creating an external table table ( Ingestiondateetime BIGINT, record type URL) RoE format sensor 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serd2.avro.AvroSerDe' processed as INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org .apache.hadoop 'LOCATION' / Local / Aveiro_Dir / 'TempliProperties (' Aviro. Schema.url '=' hdfs: ///user/file.avsc ');   


  & gt; Failed: Error in Metadata ..... & gt; Permission denied: & gt; User = hive, access = write, inode = "/" HDFs: supergroup: drvxr-xr-x   

I have run the hive like mine, my permissions on HDFS: / are detailed ( 777). Where is the hive trying to write, she thinks she is not allowed?

It is trying to do this as a hive user.

Here is the error & amp; This is trying to tell you

Permission denied: user = hive, access = write, inode = "/" hdfs: supergroup: drxx-xr-x

The exception tells you: Who is doing this: user = hive What the user is trying to do: access = wrrite is being strictly used Location permissions: hdfs: supergroup: drwxr-xr-x

to run FOSP-LS-LA /

The permissions you described (777) are not reflected in the error message that the permissions in the error message suggest that everyone has read & Execute, but do not write.

As Amar states, seeing complete orders will be helpful!

If this was mine, it would be because I had a typo in place, and trying to create a hive directory

if you have Hesop FS-LS [your LOCATION property] what location exists?

Good luck!

> Brian


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