php - MySQL Query for Advanced Search multiple criteria -

I am working through an advanced search query where users select the checkbox based on multiple criteria. I am starting because I am hoping that I will know whether I am on the right path. I know that the query is quite messy

Edit: I realized that there are two questions to be needed, so I have strictly modified a question question

table data

  tables ss_users user_id FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME admin_level user_approved 1 Nick Jones 0 1 2 Johnny Rocket 0 1 table ss_user_profile_status user_id photo_uploaded 1 1 2 1 table ss_user_photos selected user_id file name photo_id 1 1 photo_1 .jpg 1 2 2 photo_2.jpg 0 3 2 photo_2.jpg 1 table ss_general user_id city state zip neighborhood 1 Baltimore maryland 00125 hamsterdam 2 Lekland My 11542 treemont table ss_languages ​​user_id French German Italian Spanish 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 1 Table ss_experience Waldorf Kumon homeschooling user_id 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1   

My current The result is that all users, which should not be the case: ...

  Select ss_users *, ss_user_profile_status *, ss_user_photos *, Ss_general. *, Ss_languages *, Ss_experience. * Join as Ss_users.user_id user ID, ss_user_profile_status.user_id, ss_languages.user_id as langI D ss_users from ss_users.user_id = ss_user_profile_status.user_id include Left ss_user_profile_status looking at ss_users.user_id = ss_user_photos.user_id ss_user_photos and ss_user_photos.selected = 1 on the left ss_users.user_id = ss_languages.user_id join ss_gers ss_users.user_id = ss_general at ss_general join ss_ganguages ​​.user_id LEFT JOIN ss_experience ss_users.user_id at ss_users.user_id where ss_users.user_id = ss_user_profile_status.user_id and ss_general.neighborhood_select Like '% hamsterdam%' or ss_languages.spanish = 1 or ss_experience.kumon = 1 and ss_users.sitter_approved = 1 and Ss_users.admin_level = 0 group ss_users.user_id DESC   

I need to represent most of the user profiles for production, so I am selecting a lot of table data, as well as getting additional

For your large fat SQL selection

  SELECT ss_users *, Ss_user_profile_status. *, Ss_user_photos. *, Ss_general. *, Ss_languages *, Ss_experience. * User ID, as ss_user_profile_status.user_id, ss_users.user_id = on ss_users.user_id Join the ss_languages.user_id as LangID Join ss_users ss_user_profile_status ss_users.user_id = ss_user_profile_status.user_id Left ss_user_photos ss_user_photos.user_id and ss_user_photos. Select = 1 on the left ss_users.user_id = ss_languages.user_id ss_languages ​​Join Join Left ss_gers at ss_users.user_id = ss_general.user_id on the left Join ss_users.user_id = ss_experience.user_id Where ss_experience (ss_general .neighborhood_select like '% hamsterdam% 'or ss_languages.spanish = 1 or ss_experience.kumon = 1) and ss_users.sitter_approved = 1 and ss_users.admin_level = 0   

Please add some places the bracket around the edited OR and remove the condition which remove even find it again milk, and the group as it will exit some data


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