python - Pyside WebView example showing blank screen -

I'm starting playing with QWebView in PySide.

I can load the HTML in the web view and see it, although I may not have to load the page online or set the URL. Here's my example:

  Import from PySide.QtCore import from * import system * from PySide.QtWebKit import * app = QApplication (sys.argv) web = QWebView () Web.setUrl (QUrl ("")) () sys.exit (app.exec_ ())   

All I get is this Is there a nice empty white window anyone know what is missing?

Maybe you are behind a proxy I have experienced the same behavior and a proxy for the application Has helped set up. PySide.QtNetwork Import QNetworkProxy Proxy = QNetworkProxy () Proxy .set Type (QNetworkProxy.Socks5Proxy)

 ; Proxy.setType (QNetworkProxy.HttpProxy); Proxy.setHostName ("*********"); Proxy.setPort (****); QNetworkProxy.setApplicationProxy (Proxy);    


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