sql - Convert DateTIme to Date / "int is not allowed" error -

I searched and searched - have found variations on the theme, but there is no real answer to my problem.

I need to convert MAX from datetime to date , and put it in a new table I created .

Here is my code:

  INSERT INTO [dbo]. [OPTITE EMails] ([email address], [first optode], [LastAutOutDate], [BOID], [brand_ID]) SELECT [[email_add]. [email_add], [dbo]. [email_add], [dbo]. [Email_add]. [Brand_ID], convert (date-time, max [[first optot date]) [FirstOptAutadet, Convert (Datetime, Max ([E-MailAddance_Samuri]] [LastOutOutDate]) from AS LastOutOut Date [DBO]. [Distinct Email address] [dbo]. [Email address = samurai] on [dbo]. [Distant email id]. [Email adrecise] = [dbo]. [Email address_samuri]. [Email adressed] WHEEE [DBO]. [E-mail Address_samuri]. [Lasta Tetradit] is not [dbo] by the null group. [Specific EM .. AilIds] [emailaddressid], [dbo] [emailaddresses_summary] [bu_id], [dbo] [emailaddresses_summary] [brand_id] ... GO  < / Pre> 

It needs to go into this table:

  [emailaddressid] int no null primary key, [first optod date] daytime tap, [finalopactdate] daytime False, error message that I get: message 257, level 16, state3, line 56  

[buddyid] at null, [brand_id] ent null < P> Data type to fulfillment Built-in conversion is not allowed for numbers. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

Whatever I can think of, I have tried. My code resulted in the CONVERT statement string that I thought would solve it. Anything is not working please help?

You are getting an error because you have found the column order incorrect; The columns given in the accompany statement do not match the order in the selection statement:

  INSERT INTO [dbo]. [Email address] [email address] [email address] [[email address]] [email id] [email address] [e-mail address] [dbo]. [Email address_samuri] [BOID]. [Db.o.]. [Email address_samuri]. [Brand_id], convert (dateaddime, max [[first optot date]), as the first optooddate, convert (datetime, max ([emailaddresses_summary]. [Lastopupoutdate] ) AS LastOptOutDate   

You want it to: [e-mail add Reset] [DBO] as email [opt-eTemail] ([e-mail address], [first address], [FirstApotAutDate], [LastAutOutDate], [BOID], [Brand_ID]) SELECT [DBO]., Convert (DataTime, Max ([Email address dot]] [firstopotautdate]) AS FirstOptoutDate, Convert (Datetime, Max ([E-MailAdWordsSamuri]. [LastOutOutDate]) AS LastOptoutDate, [DBO]. [Email AddressSamuri]. [BOID], [Dbo]. [Emailaddresses_summary]. [Brand_id]

With that, you have a total The Olm might want to change the

 , MAX (convert (datetime, [emailaddresses_summary]]. AS FirstOptOutDate, MAX (convert (datetime, [emailaddresses_summary]. [LastOutOutDate]) AS LastOptOutDate   

Because the intent is better, and the maximum consolidated function at the same time Applies to changed date time column before (can varchar?)


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