xcode - Skipping else statement in Visual Studio C++? -
Why did not the last looks like code optimization C ++ to "exaggerate" it And if it thinks that it will never be killed, then it will not compile that part of the code too. Add {} to each other except it is easy to parse parsers that if you have a statement with them and you can divide it completely into separate ifs. and statement be dropped from the following method in VS C ++? I have the correct
& lt; Operator has overloaded, so there is no problem there. In fact, when I take the same function and compile it again in XCode, it does this so that it fully considers because the details of
else is executed. Why is this?
Insert zero (comparative and amp; x, binary node * & amp; t) {if (t == nullptr) t = new bian node {x, nullptr, nullptr}; And if (x (lt; t-> element)) insert (x, t-> left); And if ((element T-> element)
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